Hello from Scotland, its good to be here and glad to find this site. I’ve benefitted very much from reading and listening to you Marc, your reassuring and soothing presence over the last few years is appreciated amid this constant moving onto new unfamiliar territory. I started my adventure early as a teen on Castaneda books, been exploring avidly every since and ended up with something like Dzogchen. At 56 now it’s all much slower, more fun and happier though still scary and just as much of an adventure.
Hello from Scotland, its good to be here and glad to find this site. I’ve benefitted very much from reading and listening to you Marc, your reassuring and soothing presence over the last few years is appreciated amid this constant moving onto new unfamiliar territory. I started my adventure early as a teen on Castaneda books, been exploring avidly every since and ended up with something like Dzogchen. At 56 now it’s all much slower, more fun and happier though still scary and just as much of an adventure.